Visiting a church can be intimidating for many people especially if you don’t know what’s happening. We want to make you feel welcome and make visiting church a comfortable experience for you.
What is our Worship About?
It’s about God, who has made Himself known to us as Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It’s our response of love to His love for us.
God is the God of life. He wants to raise us up into all that He created us to be, rescuing us from all the sorrows and pains, pride and suffering, tears and death of this life. The Father offers us a new birth into a new creation life, which starts now and lasts forever. He does this through God His Son, Christ Jesus. And Father and Son want to be involved in all we are and do as His family, building relationship with us through God the Holy Spirit.
That doesn’t mean there are 3 Gods. There is just One. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit share the one same God-nature, yet are not identical; each relates to us in different ways. God reveals Himself to be One God in Tri-unity, or Trinity for short. Don’t let thinking on that bother you. It’s a truth that’s best known through experience and celebrated in worship. Worship is where God’s gathered family express with others our love for Him, our trust in Him and our commitment to Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
All Christian Church communities are sisters in a single family, but like family sisters have different approaches to how they do things. What’s our Worship Approach?
We praise God in song – mostly singing along with YouTube worship songs
We find out how God likes us to live through reflecting on Bible Readings
We ask His help for ourselves and for others in various sorts of Prayer
We make our church and personal response to God seeking His way in our lives, to become more like Him and to offer what we are and can do for His purposes.
Our monthly communion service is normally on the 1st Sunday but not always – so please check
Sometimes our worship is less formal than other times – so look out for our occasional Café Style Worship, which we hold in our Hall.
On most Sundays, tea and coffee is served in the Church Hall after the Service, as a time to chat, and get to know each other better!
Our worship is led by our minister, or by other of our church folk, or invited visiting preachers